Siri's Identity

Reimagining Inclusive AI

by Will Penman, Princeton University


Thank you to the creators of the YouTube videos that this webtext analyzes. Thank you to Mary Glavan, my writing partner. Thank you to Cheryl Ball, David Rieder, Madeleine Sorapure, Doug Eyman, and the other participants in KairosCamp 2017 who encouraged me early in this project. Thank you to my father-in-law Bob Phelps for a stimulating conversation that inspired the conclusion. Thank you to Leanne Younger and Robert Englebretson for discussing alternatives to identity "blindness." Thank you to students in Mary P. Sheridan's Spring 2019 Digital Storytelling class for roadtesting this webtext, as well as to Nathan Van Patter and Declan Barnes for giving valuable feedback. Thank you to reviewers Lucy Johnson and Jennifer Carter for helpful Tier 1 suggestions, and to Kristine Blair, Jim Rodolfo, and Peter Sands for helpful Tier 2 suggestions.


YouTube Videos referenced

The project analyzes a corpus of 25 YouTube videos (plus another set of 10, part of a series). They're fun to watch! View counts are reported from corpus collection in July 2017. Note that links to the copyright-precarious videos (marked "precarious") are particularly fragile and may be dead for readers:

Other videos excerpted:


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